- Agriculture, Environment & Natural Resources (10)
- Community Affairs (1)
- Economic & Community Development & Tourism (8)
- Education (PreK-12) (29)
- Finance & Taxation (14)
- Government Operations (16)
- Health and Human Services (26)
- Higher Education (13)
- Industry, Insurance & Labor (4)
- Justice (4)
- Public Safety & Law Enforcement (13)
- Transportation & Motor Vehicles (7)
- 2016(16)
- 2017(10)
- 2018(19)
- 2019(16)
- 2020(19)
- 2021(11)
- 2022(18)
- 2023(16)
- 2024(16)
- 2025(4)
State Health Benefit Plan Potential Cost Savings
Requested information on the potential for cost savings without impactin...
Health and Human Services
Childcare and Parent Services Program Economic Analysis
Requested information on the economic impact of potential CAPS policies
Health and Human Services
State Health Benefit Plan/USG Employee Healthcare Plan
Requested information on the impact of moving USG Healthcare Plan member...
Health and Human Services
Georgia Public Defender Council
Requested information on financial and operational controls
Public Safety & Law Enforcement
Federal Indirect Cost Allocation & Recovery Follow-up Review
Agencies do not agree with many of the original report's recommendations...
Government Operations
Local Victim Assistance Program Funds
Requested information on oversight and spending
Higher Education Cost Drivers
Increased state and federal funding has reduced student costs
Higher Education
State Hotel-Motel Fee
Improvements needed for more effective collection of the hotel-motel fee
Economic & Community Development & Tourism
School System Spending
System flexibility permits variation in systems allocation of resources
Education (PreK-12)
Driver Education
Certain aspects of the driver's education program could be improved
Transportation & Motor Vehicles
Human Resources Administration Follow-Up Review
Action taken to improve enterprise-level human resources functions
Government Operations
Secretary of State Grant Administration Follow-Up Review
Action taken to address most audit findings
Government Operations
Customer Service
Performance provided through call centers, chatbots, and email can be im...
Government Operations
Monitoring of Prepaid Cards at DHS and GDOL
Improvements needed to more effectively monitor prepaid card vendor
Government Operations
Rural Hospital Tax Credit
Credit administration largely consistent with statutory requirements
Health and Human Services